SM64 Repos: sm64ex, sm64-port Author: gunvalk & Filipianosol Description: sm64pcBuilder2 is a Windows application that compiles the sm64ex and sm64port versions of Super Mario 64 for pc.The dev team is working on optimizing some code and then it will be released. I have it, its a finished product content wise and everything works but its very laggy at the moment. My being sm64 viewer career is short, so I couldn't make sure that every information is correct and finding out the very former world records. The wiki has the same content as the google docs.These theories revolve around unexplained videos and images, false memories, prerelease information, and unused content that theorists use in theories regarding the actual true purpose of Super Mario 64.Take A Sneak Peak At The Movies Coming Out This Week (8/12) Need a good cry? Click to get the latest Red Carpet content.I have just released the Super Mario 64 PC port after an hour of figuring out the bare minimum of files needed for this game to run. Under that option, click 'change icon', click browse, and select the 'sm64desktopicon.ico' file.